Show the world that Utah is united in supporting millions of refugees around the world! (More states coming soon.)
The Crisis
82.4MM fellow HUMANS have been forcibly displaced from their homes turning them into refugees. And the war in Ukraine is creating more refugees every day making this the worst crisis since WWII.
It’s difficult to imagine that kind of suffering for so many people, but especially for the children who have lost so much.
Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to help!
But we are Utah and we know what to do! We unite our entire state around soccer and help connect with refugee kids one ball and one moment at a time wherever they need support.
Join the Team & Take Action
Sponsor balls signed by pro players such as Abby Wambach, Real Salt Lake, Ashley Hatch, Sunny, Amy Rodriguez, Diana Matheson, Katie Stengel, and many other amazing humans.
Click here to see all the balls available to send.
Secure 100 unpoppable balls for each refugee camp mission.
We get the balls signed by pro players. (Yes, we do take requests.)
Choose which player’s ball your team sends. At least one ball per club.
At each stage of the process we share the effort on social media and tag pro players.
#GiveABallChangeALife #UtahSoccerUnited
Example Campaign
Buy an unpoppable ball for $25. (Tax-deductible donation.)
Pro Player autographs that ball to be sent to refugee kids.
Your team pays $300 to sponsor that ball for hand-delivery to refugee camps.
Upcoming Missions
Poland/E. Europe-Refugee Camps & Shelters for Ukrainian children fleeing the war.
Nigeria-Refugee Camps for Nigerian kids fleeing terrorist group, Boko Haram.
We currently have 100 balls that have been autographed by players who currently or formerly played for both of Utah’s women and men professional teams, the Utah Royals and Real Salt Lake. Check out the balls here and see who signed them.
These 100 unpoppable soccer balls have been especially secured for youth living as refugees in unstable and unsettling conditions in refugee camps around the world. 1 ball helps 30 kids stay active, takes their minds off of their tremendous challenges, and just have fun being a kid playing the world’s sport. And we get to help them as Team Utah!
Each of these 100 balls will be hand-delivered by our small team to 3,000 refugee kids in camps starting in Nigeria and Ukraine.
We will be gathering at least 100 more balls per country we visit. And we have a lot of countries to visit!